Burns & Scalds

Burns: Injuries to the skin & other tissue caused by Heat, Radiation or Chemicals.

Scalds: Burns caused by the Moist Heat, such as hot liquids & steam.

Types of Burns

1. Heat/Thermal Burns
2. Corrosive/Chemical Burns
3. Electrical Burns
4. Radiation Burns

Degree of Burns
1st Degree

Signs: Skin is red or bright pink but not broken; there are no blisters.

2nd Degree

Signs: Skin is red, tender, swollen, and blistered.

3rd Degree

Signs: Skin will look white and leathery or charred.

Treating Burns and Scalds

  • First-aid treatment for burns involves removing the source of the burn, cooling the burn, and covering it. To treat burn victims:
  • Remove the victim from the burn source. Put out any flames and remove smoldering clothing.
  • Cool skin or clothing that is still hot by immersing in cool water for no longer than one minute or covering with clean compresses that have been wrung out in cool water. Water may be obtained from the bathroom, kitchen and garden hose.
  • Use soaked towels, sheets, or other cloths. Use clean water. Do not apply water to third-degree burns except to put out flames. Treat all victims of third-degree burns for shock.
  • WATCH FOR SIGNS OF HYPOTHERMIA. Cover loosely with dry, sterile dressings that keep air out, reduce pain, and prevent infection.
  • Elevate burned extremities higher above the victim's heart.

    Cool the burnt area with running water

    If clothing sticks to the skin, leave it there and cut away the remaining fabric

    Do not break blusters

    Do not apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injured area.

    Cover the burnt area with plastic bag

    Cover the burn with a sterile bandage

    Remove the chemical from the skin or eyes by flushing the area with large amounts of cool running water

    CALL Doctor or emergency medical services (EMS)