First Aid is the immediate and temporary care given to an injured or sick person until the services of a qualified doctor are obtained with such material as may be available. The first aid is not an end by itself. It indicates that the person is in need of a secondary aid. First aid is based on the knowledge of a life saving skill.
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- Tropical Cyclones are large rotating, migratory storms that form over the tropical oceans
- Tropical Cyclones are called Hurricanes in Atlantic, Caribbean, and Eastern Pacific
- Typhoon in western Pacific
- Cyclone in Indian Ocean
- They occur primarily during the late summer month
Cyclone are rated according to their wind speed on the Saffir-Simpson scale. This scale ranges from categories 1 to 5, with 5 being the most devastating. Under the right atmospheric conditions, cyclone can sustain themselves for as long as a couple of weeks. Upon reaching cooler water or land, cyclone rapidly lose intensity.
Category/Wind Speed
- 74-95 mph
- 96-110 mph
- 111-130 mph
- 131-155 mph
- 156+ mph
Cyclone are formed from simple thunderstorms. However, these thunderstorms can only grow to cyclone strength with cooperation from both the ocean and the atmosphere. First of all, the ocean water itself must be warmer than 81 degrees F. The heat and moisture from this warm water is ultimately the source of energy for hurricanes/cyclone. Cyclones will weaken rapidly when they travel over land or colder ocean waters -- locations where their heat and/or moisture sources do not exist.
Hurricane/Cyclone Structure
- Hurricane/Cyclone winds blow in a counterclockwise spiral around the calm, roughly circular center called the eye. In the eye, which is roughly 20 to 30 miles wide, it is relatively calm and there is little or no rain. The eye is the warmest part of the storm. Surrounding the eye is the eyewall, a wall of thunderclouds. The eyewall has the most rain and the strongest winds of the storm, gusting up to 225 mph (360 km/h) in severe storms. The smaller the eye, the stronger the winds. The winds spiral in a counterclockwise direction into the storm's low-pressure center.
- Long bands of rain clouds appear to spiral inward to the eyewall -- these are called spiral rainbands. Hurricanes/Cyclone can be hundreds of miles across.
- In addition to rotating with wind speeds of at least 74 mph, a hurricane/cyclone travels relatively slowly across the ocean or land, usually at about 20 to 25 mph.
- If you are facing in the direction that the hurricane/cyclone is traveling, the right side generally has the fastest winds, and the left side usually has the most rain.
Vulnerability to Tropical Cyclones:
- Settlement located in low lying coastal areas (direct impact);
- Geography of immediate vicinity;
- Poor building design, or construction;Irregular;
- Terrain Insufficient lead time for warning and evacuation;
- Non compliance with evacuation procedures;
- Inadequate shelter.
Immediate Effect:
- The most serious immediate consequence of cyclones is the loss of human lives. The death rate is significantly higher where communications are poor and warning systems and evacuation plans are inadequate.
- The most dramatic impact of cyclones is the damage they cause to houses and other physical structures. In addition to damaging homes and buildings, cyclones destroy or damage critical facilities, supply lines, crops, and/or food stocks, disrupt economic activities and create financial burdens.
- They may destroy or damage facilities that are critical for responding to disasters;. among these are communications installations; electrical generating and transmission facilities; water storage, purification, and pumping facilities; sewage treatment facilities; hospitals; police stations; and various other public and private buildings.
- High winds destroy some standing crops, especially grains, and damage orchards and forests. Flooding from intense rains damages certain crops, and may cause excessive erosion. Storm surges scour and erode top soils; deposit salts on fields, and may increase salinity in subsurface water, damage to roads, bridges, railways, etc.
- During the emergency, people must leave their jobs and devote their time to disaster-related activities such as search-and-rescue or caring for survivors.
- In addition, the cost of relief and reconstruction creates a financial burden on the government. Increased expenditures for preventive and curative medicine, aid to the unemployed, and repair or replacement of housing are required, at a time when there is a decrease in public resources due to an overall decrease in economic activity and tax receipts.
Immediate Needs in Cyclone Situation:
The occurrence of a disaster is a critical time and the response must be quick and complete. The initial response by local authorities after a cyclone includes:
- Search and Rescue operation
- Emergency Medical assistance
- Emergency Shelter for evacuation
- Food & Water for short term
- Special Nutritional need for children
- Water purification
- Debris clearance
- Re-establishment of communications network
- Damage assessment
- Epidemiological surveillance
- Strengthen Communities livelihood for; recovery, rehabilitation & reconstruction
Long Term Risk Reduction Coping Mechanism
Risk Mapping, Assessment and Analysis:
The first and probably the most complex task of cyclone mitigation is to map the hazard, risks and vulnerabilities of cyclone at all levels, analyze and assess the levels of risks and monitor it continuously. It is only on the basis of such a knowledge base that a proper and effective strategy for cyclone risk mitigation and preparedness can be developed.
Cyclone Shelter:
A large number of people in the coastal areas live in thatched houses which cannot withstand the high velocity of wind and storm surges resulting in extensive damages of such houses and deaths and injuries of a large number of poor people.
The high rates of casualties in cyclones in Pakistan are primarily due to unsafe buildings in the coastal areas. The poor economic conditions of the people may not permit them to rebuild their houses as per the cyclone resistant designs and specifications.
Therefore, community cyclone shelters constructed at appropriate places within the easy access of the habitations of the vulnerable communities can provide an immediate protection from deaths and injuries due to the collapse of houses.
Early Warning and Communication:
Early warning of cyclones and its dissemination to the coastal habitations is an important preparatory measure to reduce the losses of life and property during cyclones.
It is important that warning should reach every one in least possible time and in right (understandable language) format particularly to people living in the shoreline/coastline.
People should be oriented about the warning signals and system. Warning message should be short & clear; in phases to avoid panic.
Community Based Disaster Preparedness:
Communities are the first real time responder to any disaster situation. However developed or efficient a response mechanism could be there would always be a time gap between the disaster and the actual response from the government and other agencies.
If the communities are mobilized and trained to assess their own risk through participatory risk assessment process, develop their own contingency plans and set up their own teams for evacuation, search and rescue, emergency shelter, first aid etc, the risks of cyclones can be managed with significant reduction in number of deaths and injuries.
Capacity Development and Training:
Capacity development is the most cost effective method of reducing the vulnerabilities of the people living in the coastal areas. The coastal communities have a certain degree of capacities built into their social systems and practices acquired through inherited experiences of generations. Therefore, the local capacities have to be continuously upgraded and further developed according to the changing needs and the developments of science and technology and other improved practices in various sectors.
Training programs have to be practical, scenario based and exercise and problem solving oriented so that the functionaries are aware of their specific responsibilities and are able to discharge those responsibilities efficiently before, during and after the cyclonic disasters.
Such trainings may include maroon search and rescue, first aid, evacuation, temporary shelter management, arrangements of drinking water and sanitation, provision of cooked food etc.
Awareness and Education:
While training and capacity development target specific groups according to their specific training needs, awareness generation is more of a general in nature which sensitizes common masses about the risks, vulnerabilities of cyclones and the preventive, mitigative and preparedness measures that can be taken at the government, community, household and individual level.
General (Repair Work):
Roads/culverts/bridges in the cyclone prone areas need to be maintained well and if they are in a bad shape their repair and strengthening works also to be given utmost attention.
Roads are always associated with culverts and bridges as the terrain demands, and routine maintenance of these infrastructures is crucial for post disaster response.
Where the general road condition is found to be bad due to poor sub grade, and the bridges and culverts are in a distressed condition their restoration work has to be accorded high priority.
Awareness Programs for population prone to cyclone
Preparation for Cyclone:
- Listen to radio and TV for warnings. If possible have a battery radio available.
- Well before the storm, move your vehicle out of low lying areas to a higher ground and park away from trees or other high wind hazards.
- Secure your facilities and bring outdoor object to indoor.
- Store several days water & food for each member of family.
- Act quickly when advised to evacuate to other safe areas.
- Follow instructions of local authorities or follow your own evacuation plan If not required to evacuate, stay indoor.
- Secure yourself & away from windows & blast doors.Have access to flashlights. Do not use candles or any open flame lantern, etc. These are highly dangerous in a power outage.
- Since the floors can get wet, all articles such as shoes, rugs, clothes, bags, suitcases, etc., should be placed on closet shelves, in dresser drawers, or on a bed.
What to do after a Cyclone:
- Stay turned to local news organizations, such as a radio or television station, for important announcements, bulletins, and instructions concerning the storm area, medical aid and other forms of assistance, such as food, water and shelter.
- Remember that you may not have immediate access to your home. Emergency rescue crews, power crews, and other personnel may be attending to special needs. Roads could be blocked, power lines could be down, and people may be trapped and in need of assistance.
- Make sure that you have current identification. You may have to pass through identification check points before being allowed access to your home/neighborhood.
- Avoid driving, as roads may be blocked. Avoid sight-seeing, or entering a storm ravaged area unnecessarily. You could be mistaken for a looter.
- Avoid downed power lines, even if they look harmless. Avoid metal fences and other metal objects near downed lines.
- DO NOT use matches in a storm ravaged area, until all gas lines area checked for leaks (Keep flashlights and plenty of batteries at hand).
- Avoid turning the power on at your home if there is flooding present. Have a professional conduct a thorough inspection first.
- Consider having professionals/licensed contractors inspect your home for damage and help in repairs. This includes electricians, as well as professionals to inspect gas lines, remove uprooted trees, and check plumbing. Remember that downed or damaged trees can contain power lines that can be a hazard.
- Use a camera or camcorder to record thoroughly any damage done to your home, before any repairs are attempted.
- In certain areas, the flooding rains that accompany a storm can create pest problems. Be aware of potential pest problems in your area, such as mice, rats, insects or snakes, that may have "come with the storm".
- Telephone lines will likely be busy in the area; use a phone only for emergencies.
- Flooding brings with it the risk of waterborne bacterial contaminations. You should assume that the water is not safe and use properly stored water, or boil your tap water.
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FLOODS What are the Causes of Flood? Impact of Floods There are many factors that contribute to the suffering of individuals affected by flooding: What to do before a flood? What to do during a flood? Secure your facility What to do after a flood? Consider your family health & safety needs: What is flood risk management? Flood risk management aims to reduce the likelihood and/or the impact of floods. Experience has shown that the most effective approach is through the development of flood risk management program incorporating the following elements: Prevention: preventing damage caused by floods by avoiding construction of houses in present and future flood-prone areas; by adapting future developments to the risk of flooding; and by promoting appropriate land-use, agricultural and forestry practices; Protection: taking measures, both structural and non-structural, to reduce the likelihood of floods and/or the impact of floods in a specific location; Preparedness: informing the population about flood risks and what to do in the event of a flood; Emergency Response: developing emergency response plans in the case of a flood; Recovery and lessons learned: returning to normal conditions as soon as possible and mitigating both the social and economic impacts on the affected population.
Floods are the most common climate-related disaster in the region and include seasonal floods, flash floods, and floods associated with tidal events induced by tsunami and cyclone in coastal areas.
Type of Floods:
Flash flood is a sudden and extreme volume of water, can flows rapidly, sometimes in just a few minutes by dam failure, breakup of ice jam. Flash floods often have a dangerous wall of roaring water that carries a deadly cargo of rocks, mud and other debris and can sweep away most things in its path.
Slow building up usually seasonal by heavy rainfall, some times over a period of days.
Associated with storm surges, tsunami waves, tropical cyclones
Flood effects can be very local, impacting a community, or very large, effecting entire river basins and multiple districts.
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Required to evacuate a injured person from an emergency scene to a location of safety.
- Manual carries are tiring for the rescuer and involve the risk of increasing the severity of the casualty's injury.
- Choose the evacuation techniques that will be least harmful, both to rescuer and the victim.
- Causalities carried carefully and correctly handled, otherwise their injuries may become more serious or possibly fatal.
- Situation permitting, evacuation of a casuality should be organized and un-hurried.
- Each movement should be performed as deliberately and gently as possible.
Victim Drag and Carry Techniques
Tied-Hands Crawl
The tied-hands crawl may be used to drag an unconscious casualty for a short distance.
- It is particularly useful when you must crawl underneath a low structure, but it is the least desirable because the casualty's head is not supported.
- Use a triangular bandage, a torn shirt, etc to tie the casualty's hands together and place them around your neck. This way you can move a person much heavier than yourself.
One Person Arm Carry
Single rescuer to lift a victim safely by arm carries. Rescuer holding the victim around the victim’s back and under the knees.
One Person Pack-Strap Carry
This method is better for longer distances to lift a victim safely.- Place both the victim's arms over your shoulders.
- Cross the victim's arms, grasping the victim's opposite wrist.
- Pull the arms close to your chest.
- Squat slightly and drive your hips into the victim while bending slightly at the waist.
- Balance the load on your hips and support the victim with your legs.
Fire Man Carry
This technique is for carrying a victim longer distances. It is very difficult to get the person up to this position from the ground. Getting the victim into position requires a very strong rescuer or an assistant.
- The victim is carried over one shoulder.
- The rescuer's arm, on the side that the victim is being carried, is wrapped across the victim's legs and grasps the victim's opposite arm.
Two Person Carry(by arms & legs)
- Rescuer 1 squats at the victim’s head and grasps the victim from behind at the midsection.
- Rescuer 2 squats between the victim’s knees, grasping the outside of the knees. o Both rescuers rise to a standing position.
Chairs Carry
This is a good method for carrying victims up and down stairs or through narrow or uneven areas.
- Pick the victim up and place them or have them sit in a chair.
- The rescuer at the head grasps the chair from the sides of the back, palms in.
- The rescuer at the head then tilts the chair back onto its rear legs.
- For short distances or stairwells, the second rescuer should face in and grasp the chair legs.
- For longer distances, the second rescuer should separate the victim's legs, back into the chair and, on the command of the rescuer at the head, both rescuers stand using their legs.
Ankle Pull
The ankle pull is the fastest method for moving a victim a short distance over a smooth surface. This is not a preferred method of patient movement.
- Grasp the victim by either ankles or pant cuffs.
- Pull with your legs, not your back.
- Keep your back as straight as possible.
- Try to keep the pull as straight and in-line as possible.
- Keep aware that the head is unsupported and may bounce over bumps and surface imperfections.
Shoulder Pull
The shoulder pull is preferred to the ankle pull. It supports the head of the victim. The negative is that it requires the rescuer to bend over at the waist while pulling.
- Grasp the victim by the clothing under the shoulders.
- Keep your arms on both sides of the head.o Support the head.
- Try to keep the pull as straight and in-line as possible.
Blanket Drag
This is the preferred method for dragging a victim from confined area
- Place the victim on the blanket by using the "logroll" or the three-person lift.
- The victim is placed with the head approx. 2 ft. from one corner of the blanket.
- Wrap the blanket corners around the victim.
- Keep your back as straight as possible.
- Use your legs, not your back.
- Try to keep the pull as straight and in-line as possible
Two Handed Seat
- Pick up the victim by having both rescuers squat down on either side of the victim.
- Reach under the victim's shoulders and under their knees.
- Grasp the other rescuer's wrists.o From the squat, with good lifting technique, stand.
- Walk in the direction that the victim is facing.
Four Handed Seat
This technique is for carrying conscious and alert victims to moderate distances. The victim must be able to stand unsupported and hold themselves upright during transport.
- Position the hands as indicted in the graphic.
- Lower the seat and allow the victim to sit.
- Lower the seat using your legs, not your back.
- When the victim is in place, stand using your legs, keeping your back straight.
Three Person Carry
This technique is for lifting a patient into a bed or stretcher, or for transporting to short distances
- Each person kneels on the knee nearest the victim's feet.
- On the command of the person at the head, the rescuers lift the victim up and rest the victim on their knees.
If the patient is being placed on a low stretcher or litter basket:
- On the command of the person at the head, the patient is placed down on the litter/stretcher.
If the victim is to be placed on a high gurney/bed or to be carried:
- At this point, the rescuers will rotate the victim so that the victim is facing the rescuers, resting against the rescuers' chests.
- On the command of the person at the head, all the rescuers will stand.
- To walk, all rescuers will start out on the same foot, walking in a line abreast.
This technique requires two poles/pipes strong enough to support the victim's weight and at least two shirts.
- While the first rescuer is grasping the litter poles, the second rescuer pulls the shirt off the head of rescuer one.
- All buttons should be buttoned up with the possible exception of the collar and cuffs.
- The rescuers then reverse the procedure and switch sides.
This technique requires two poles and a blanket.
- Place the blanket down on the ground.
- Place one pole approx. 1 foot from the middle of the blanket.
- Fold the short end of the blanket over the first pole.
- Place the second pole approx. 18 inches or 2 feet from the first (this distance may vary with victim or blanket size).
- Fold both halves of the blanket over the second pole.
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Labels: carry, drag, evacuation, handling, victim
Assessing damage to the Building
There are no hard and fast rules for assessing damage. However, the damage categories will serve as a reference point for defining your primary search and rescue mission.
Light Damage:
• Superficial or cosmetic damage.
• Broken windows.
• Fallen or cracked plaster.
• Minor damage to contents of structure.
Moderate Damage:
• Visible signs of damage.
• Decorative work of damage.
• Many visible cracks in plaster.
• Major damage to contents of structure.
Heavy Damage:
• Obvious structural instability.
• Partial or total collapse.
• Titling.
• Building off foundation.
Assessing Resources
The very first step in search and rescue operations is to identify local resources available to assist in rescuing victims, which include personnel, equipment and tools.
Rescue Operation
Once the decision is made to initiate search operations within a specific structure or area, Search and Rescue members must systematically inspect the area for searching and rescuing the victims – but take care
• The safety Search & Rescue Team members.
• Life safety for victims and others.
• Use of search & Rescue techniques appropriate to the operation.
• Protection of the environment.
• Formation of Teams
Make at-least two teams with two or more members.
Be equipped with complete safety and rescue equipments.
Proper distribution of responsibilities for collecting and carrying the equipment to the disaster site.
Distribution of responsibilities at the affected area.
Signals of communication decided beforehand.
Search Methodology
• Gather at a safe location to assess the building.
• Shut off all the Utilities of the building.
• Mark the building with the “X” before entering it.
• Use force if necessary to get to a victim.
• If you suspect a leakage of Gas in the building exit immediately & leave all doors open.
• Walk slowly and carefully at every step.• Mark every primary unit separately.
• Complete the search and try to get back to the X sign.
How to Mark the Search Area?
BEFORE you enter MARK search areas with a “X”.
• Write date & time of the search (on top quadrant)
• Write the name of the responding agency (in left quadrant)
• Write number of victims rescued & still inside (right quadrant)
• Write degree of search, full or partial (bottom quadrant).
• Use a zero “0” if no victim is found.
• Put a box around the “X” if it is not safe to conduct search and rescue efforts.
While searching the trapped victims!
• Call Out: Begin the search by shouting something like, “If anyone can hear my voice” If any victims respond, give them further directions such as “Stay calm & wait”.
• Listen Carefully: Stop frequently and just listen carefully for tapping sounds, movements or voices.
• Be Systematic: Use a systematic search pattern to ensure that all areas of the building are covered.
• Bottom-Up/Top-Down: Searching from the bottom of the building up and/or from the top down is well suited to multi-story buildings.
• Right Wall/Left Wall: Moving systematically from one side to the other is well suited to single-floor structures and avoids repetition.
• The wall is the rescuer’s lifeline: If you or your partner becomes disoriented, reverse your steps, staying close to the wall until you get back to the doorway.
• Throughout your search: Maintain voice contact with your partner so you do not get separated.
Evaluate Progress
• This is the most important step from a safety standpoint.
• The rescuers must continually monitor the situation to prevent any harm to the rescuers.
• Also, they determine if their plan is working, and if not, how it can be changed to make it work.
Emergency Evacuation
Evacuation is the process of identifying a threat to public safety, warning people of the danger, instructing them on what action to take to ensure their safety, moving all or part of the population in the affected area to a place of safety.
Some evacuations involve a small number of people; some involve a very large number.
In the event that evacuation becomes necessary, use the following steps:
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Basic Principles of Search & Rescue
How to approach the damaged buildings; Dos & Don’ts
* Damaged buildings and facilities should only be approached from the least dangerous side
* While surveying indoor space in buildings, do not use open fire (Matches, kerosene lamps) for lighting
* When searching for casualties DO NOT walk or stay near badly damaged and collapse-prone buildings
* DO NOT Allow many people to gather in one spot, in shafts, or floors.
* DO NOT go near collapse-prone walls or other constructions.
* Move very carefully over building ruins (only if it is absolutely necessary) as they are unstable heaps of fragments.
* When removing rubble from ruins DO NOT permit abrupt jerks, shaking, or strong blows at the site.
* When clearing ruins, first drag away and extinguish any smoldering or burning objects.
* Open doors to burning rooms very cautiously. Be aware of possible flame or hot gas ejection.
* In burning spaces move by bending low or else on your knees. Try to stay near windows, making it possible to get quickly out of the danger zone if need be.
* If an electrical cable is discovered, suspend it, in order to avoid further damage or tearing; DO NOT step on wires.
Search & Rescue Planning
• Size up – involves assessing the situation and determining a safe action plan.
• Search – involves locating victims and documenting their location.
• Rescue – involves the procedure and methods to extricate victims.
Search & Rescue Size Up
Size-up is a continuous analysis of facts that forms the basis for decision making and planning. It includes following steps:
Gather facts.
* Assess damage to the building.
* Identify your resources.
* Establish the rescue priorities.
* Develop a rescue plan.
* Conduct the rescue.
* Evaluate your progress.
* Each of the size-up steps will provide information that may be critical to search and rescue efforts.
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Light Search and Rescue
The search and rescue function is really two separate activities:
Search: To look through in a place or in an area carefully in order to find something missing or lost.
Rescue: To free a trapped victim from confinement or under the rubble.
Search and Rescue operations require three components:
- Rescuers include trained personnel and volunteers.
- Tools depend on their availability and the needs of the situation. For example, storm or earthquake damage may require tools for lifting debris whereas flood damage may require boats, ropes, and life preservers.
- Time may be very limited for some victims. The first 24 hours after a disaster has been called the “Golden Day” that period during which injured or trapped victims have an 80 percent chance of survival if rescued.
Survival rates for persons trapped in collapsed structure.
- 30 Minutes 91.0% Survive
- 1 Day 81.0% Survive
- 2 Days 36.7% Survive
- 3 Days 33.7% Survive
- 4 Days 19.0% Survive
- 5 Days 7.4% Survive
The Golden Day of Survival
Objectives of Search & Rescue
The objectives of search and rescue are to:
- Safeguard the life of a rescuer - acknowledge that the most important person in a rescue attempt is the rescuer.
- Rescue lightly trapped victims first in order to rescue the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time.
- As a volunteer worker, confine your efforts to light search and rescue; that is, the relatively uncomplicated extrication of victims from situations that pose minimal risk to the rescuer.
Labels: Rescue